Main role of Michelle in La baby sitter by René Clément (released 1975-10-15 France).
[Chtn] In Rome, where she went shooting Jeune fille libre le soir (La baby sitter) by René Clément, she
was insulted on the streets, in restaurants. A magazine dared the headline ‘Maria does her butter in
Rome’. A dairy producer put a photo of her on their packets of butter.
[BuetJ] In my opinion Clément is one of the greatest actor-directors ever. He taught me half of what I
know of behaving in front of a camera. He directed children, and that earned him an incredible
pecision. Everything is made clear, the smallest moves of the actors. He was very close to them, and
this shooting was very instructive for me.
[Ebert] “They took away two-thirds of my salary [for La baby sitter] to keep the insurance people happy.
... “After The Baby Sitter I was supposed to make a movie in Paris with Jean-Luc Godard. ... He
gave a brilliant press conference about it in Cannes. He explained to me that the actor would put up
$40,000, and he would put up $40,000, and then we would make the movie together. I would have,
too, but I didn't have $40,000. And I still don't.”
1975-03 [Ebert] She moves from Londen to the Hollywood-hills, Laurel Canyon, California. “I came out
from my doctor’s office, saw Paul Kohmer's sign, and introduced myself at the switchboard. ‘Who
are you?’ they asked. I said I was an actress who wanted him to represent me. They asked what
credits I had - they thought l was a nut off the street. I said I'd worked with Bertolucci and
Antonioni. They didn't believe me. Finally one person in the office did recognize me. I look a little
different now, I'm thinner, I'm 23, I wasn't wearing makeup.”
1975-04 interview by Gideon Bachmann for Playmen (Italy)
1975-09-14 interview by Roger Ebert [Ebert]
studies script for The story of an african farm [but she will not appear in the 2004 movie by Lister]
lived some time in Venice
Paramount wants her for Black Sunday (1977)